Question –Answer and Question game
How to play: Students stand in line.
/fall in line/. And teacher asks a question and each student can answer for one
question. If student can not answer for the question then the next student will
answer it. Then take turns. It is exactly the same as the competition on
National TV named ‘’AXA’’.
1. What’s the most commonly used letter
of the alphabet? (e)
2. How do you say ‘’not organized’’ in
one word? (disorganized)
3. What book has been translated into
the most languages? (Bible)
4. End this common phrase: ‘’Happy
New…’’ (Year)
5. How many prongs are there on a dinner
fork? (4)
6. Who starts first in chess? (white)
7. How do you call your grandmother’s
sister? (great-aunt)
8. Who plays the music at a disco? (the
DJ; Disk Jockey)
9. What letter is silent in the word
‘’people’’? (o)
10. What’s the longest word in the English
11. How many letters have the
longest word in the English? 45
12. How many start on the flag of the USA? (51)
13. What letter is silent in the word
‘’handsome’’? (d)
14. Who climb mountains? (a mountaineer)
15. How do you say ‘’not honest’’ in one word?
16. What was the previous name of Thailand? (Siam)
17. How do you call your wife’s brother?
18. How do you call your sister’s son? (nephew)
19. What temperature does water boil at? (100
degrees Celsius)
20. Where is the smallest bone in the body? (ear)
21. Which is the only mammal that can’t jump?
22. End
this common idiom: ‘’To put your foot in your …(mouth)
24. How do you call a person who farms bees?
25. Who was the main actor in ‘’Cocktail’’ ? (Tom
26. Who checks and balances the financial books?
(an accountant)
27. Start this common idiom: ‘’… do as the Romans
do.’’ (When in Rome)
28. What does UN stand for? (United Nations)
29. Who mixes cocktails? (a bartender)
30. What’s the opposite of ‘’wide’’? (narrow)
31. How many zeros does a billion have?
32. What are the things you tie on your shoes?
33. How do you say ‘’not happy’’ in one word?
34. What is the outside of an egg called? (shell)
35. What is an electric machine for cleaning carpets called? (vacuum
36. How many ways can you the number ‘’0’’ (zero,
naught, nought, oh, nill, cipher)
37. What’s the short form of ‘’until’’ (‘till)
38. How do you say
‘’not suitable’’ in one word? (unsuitable)
39. What word means ‘’correct’’ as well as ‘’the
opposite of left’’? (right)
40. What is the best known artificial
international language? (Esperanto)
41. What letter is silent in the word ‘’comb’’?
42. What is the most common pair of letters in
words? (er)
43. How do say ‘’ not employed’’ in one word? (unemployed)
44. Who has a red nose and makes children laugh at
a circus? (a clown)
45. Which is the smallest ocean? (Arctic)
46. When did the first go in space? (1961)
47. Who was the first man in space? (Gagarin)
48. What is the full term for e-mail? (electronic
49. Where did the first atomic bomb used in war explode?
50. Who painted the Mona Lisa? (Leonarda Da
51. Where was Marco Polo’s home town? (Venice,
52. How many children has Queen Elizabeth II got?
53. What’s the largest city in India? (Bombay)
54. End this common idiom: ‘’ As busy as…’’(bee)
55. How do you say ‘’ not qualified’’ in one word?
56. How do you say ‘’not fair’’ in one word?
57. What letter is silent in the word
‘’business’’? (i)
58. What country gave Florida to the USA in 1891? (Spain)
59. What’s the most important book in the Moslem
religion? (Koran)
60. What is the Canadian national anthem? (Oh
61. What year did Elvis Presley die? (1977)
62. Who were the two main actors in ‘’Pretty
Woman’’? (Julia Roberts an Richard Gere)
63. How can you write the phrase “a nice man” so
that it has a different meaning but sounds the same? (an ice man)
64. What letter of the alphabet is the most common
first letter of words? (s)
65. End this common saying: ‘’What goes up must
66. What is yellow part of an egg called? (yolk)
67. In which city is Hollywood? (Los Angeles)
68. Which is the largest ocean? (Parcific)
69. Who wrote Hamlet? (Shakespeare)
70. What did the crocodile swallow in Peter Pan?
(alarm clock)
71. Which is the biggest countryside in Mongolia?
72. What is the smallest country in the world?
(Vatican City)
73. What is the capital of Brazil?
74. Which river goes through London?
75. What is the Canada’s third largest city? (Brasilia)
76. What is the first name in UB? (Orgoo)
77. What is the Britian’s second largest city?
78. What color is a panda bear? (black and white)
79. How many words are ther in the English
language (est. 2million)
80. Who said
study study and again study? (Lenin)
81. What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)
82. When did the First World War start? (1914)
83. When did the Second World war end? (1945)
84. Who was the first president of the USA?
85. Where was Christopher Columbus born? (Genova,
86. What nationality was Marco Polo? (Italian)
87. What language has the most words? (English)
88. How much is a baker’s dozen ? (13)
89. What currency do they us in Japan? (yen)
90. Where does the American president live? (The
white house)
91. How long is a round in boxing (2min)
92. How many months have 31 days? (7)
93. What are Canada’s official languages? (English
and French)
94. Which language is spoken by most people in the
world? (Chiese)
95. How many squares are there on a chess board?
96. What are the five colors of the
Olympic rings? (red, yellow, green, blue, black)
97. How many legs has sider got (8)
98. Who invented the telephone? (bell)
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